Ever since reading 'The Illustrated Man' by Ray Bradbury I've been fascinated by tattoos and how they can convey a story. I also loved the graphic qualities of traditional tattoos, but never had the bottle to get one done! Apart from anything else I would have wanted to keep changing it or, better still, have one that changed itself! Instead I made a series of 'second skin' carvings and burnt my own tattoos....
'Hand in Glove' Sycamore, pyrography and watercolour
A classic theme for tattoos; love and hate

'All that's left' Oak, pyrography and watercolour.
Loosely based on the story of Icarus, whos father crafted wings for him from sticks, string, wax and feathers so he could fly away and escape. Despite his father's warnings not to fly to close to the sun, Icarus soared up high into the sky and his wings failed. He fell into the sea.

'If I were......' Ash, pyrography and watercolour.
Inspired by a Lyle Lovett song, 'If I had a boat' and Ray Bradbury's book 'Dandelion Wine'. As a kid I loved comics and would have loved to be able run as fast as the wind, like one of my heroes!

'An empty dress' Bleached limewood, pyrography and watercolour.
I suppose this is about loss of innocence. It was inspired by a line from a Pete Townsend song.

'The secret' Elm and silver.

The secret is.............I carved this too thin and created a hole in the wood. This was a solution!